Third Floor Apartment

This week I am taking time to visit friends in California. The days are free, everyone is at work and I am settled into a friends small 3rd floor Bay Area apartment. Deciding that this is a good day to write a post I as well decided to sit in front of the balcony to enjoy the coolness of outside. And..what the heck might as well be topless too.

I’ve been busy…

Busy and forgetting to take moments and turn them into turned on moments. I ask my self….why am I sitting so far away from the open screen? Why not let the sunlight that is trying to get in land on my breasts?



From below a woman parked her car across the street and is walking  to the building while I massage my breasts and pull on my nipples. She cannot see me. If she saw me I probably would have yelled ” Sorry!” and ran away, but from here I can enjoy the secret-ness and privacy even though I feel exposed.

I feel self conscious to masturbate in my friend’s apartment, but I am going to right now.  Normally, the choice would be a bed, but I am attracted to the sunlight. My pussy will be warm from it. I can lay stretched out with my pussy towards the open screen and as I do I can imagine you are watching me from the across the street from an upstairs window in your own home, caress myself and linger, taste my juices, from my finger tips,  move my hips, spreads my lips wide and wider…

Last week I was talking with a woman that was compl-aining about doing the above for a man? Are women getting confused? I get it...I know that women need to feel their own power in sex and sometimes when that happens it can look quiet and subtle. I like that too. I also enjoy the exchange of a man enjoying watching my body, watching his eyes narrow in focus, creating an energetic dance between us. There is nothing wrong with that and I asked her, what is wrong with that? She could not decide if she was doing it for herself or for him. It's for him, but it comes back to the woman. It's a dance. I've's a dance. For you I suggest to notice when she is 'dancing' for you and don't rush her. Hold your presence before you make a move. 

Okay…here I go…

Oh man, that was delicious. Such a simple pleasure of feeling sunlight warm my pussy, inner thighs and belly.  I let the sunlight soak me as I spread my lips open and felt all the sensations of warmth. With curiosity I inserted a finger to feel my wetness which was ample and tasted. When I started to stroke my clitoris she was already engorged, but I still took my time gently and slowly stroking in small delicate circles with no hurry. My climax was subtle and quiet like an exhalation of breath.

Maybe the sun will be out tomorrow and I can do it again.

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